Tuesday, February 9, 2010


 Well, my time here in Manila is quickly drawing to a close. It's always surprising how fast time passes. Three weeks just whoosh, went by in a flash. Now, as I am making final logistical preparations for the next legs of my trip, I'm happy to announce that we've managed to bring another sponsor on-board. Global Source is a company behind two products that Young and I are very much looking forward to using - JetZone homeopathic anti-jetlag pills, and FlightSpray natural nasal hydration spray. They've sent us a supply of their products that will hopefully last us through our trip.

Given that we're going to be spending something like 60-80 hours in the air over the next 3 months, traversing through multiple time zones multiple times, these products will come in handy. Both to keep us alert off the plane and hopefully to keep us healthy and comfortable on the plane.

Additionally, we've booked our next two sets of tickets so the overall skeleton itinerary is set. I'll be in Hong Kong on Feb. 15, and in Honolulu by dawn on Feb. 18. Young and I will then fly back to Hong Kong on the 25th and transit to Bangkok. We'll spend a few days there before heading to Dubai for two more days on March 2. Then, we'll reach Nairobi by the 4th of March. From there, it's overland through Eastern and Southern Africa. Our tentative plan is to leave via Cape Town, South Africa on May 4th in order to get back to Asia and into India for the final wedding on May 15. Who plans that far in advance though? We'll keep you updated! :)


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