Thursday, April 8, 2010

How Hard it Is

It is nearly impossible to keep up with blogging while on the road. There is a distinct trade-off involved – stop traveling and take a day to write, or fall way-way-behind on the writing and travel instead. Then there is the problem of sorting through the thousands of photos that I’ve taken and attempting to create some sort of order out of them. For me, the end result is a constant conflict between trying to travel and gain the experiences that can inform my writing, and well, actually writing. This is compounded by the fact that I’d like my blog to be somewhat up to date and chronologically logical, so it makes it harder to post about things that happened, say, in Mombasa, when I’m already in Malawi. Finally, the internet connection has gotten progressively more rare as we’ve moved about, and it’s becoming difficult to post entries when I want them posted. That’s all just to say that – hey, this thing is much more difficult than I imagined it would be!!

 (Working in the airport lounge in Dubai)


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