I’m sad for Esprit. Less than ten years ago, Hong Kong-based Esprit was a retail success story, with a strong home base and growth in Europe. One of my favorite past-times in HK before was checking out the Esprit outlets and hunting for bargains in their stores. I even had an Esprit Club card at one point. They used to boast a large mini-anchor space in Festival Walk, and outlets throughout Hong Kong. Earlier in the year, I found that they had vacated their large space (replaced by newly ascendant Uniqlo, which seems to be eating Esprit’s lunch) in favor of a smaller one. Today, coming back here to search for some jeans, I discovered that they had abandoned Festival Walk completely. What a quick fall.
There are two HK-based stores that I really love for their aesthetic sense and would love to buy some clothes from. Chocolate has clean lines, simple designs, bright lighting, and stores with walls in the shape of a massive chocolate bar. Love it! Yet, I can’t bring myself to spend forty bucks on a t-shirt that says NAVY. Truth is, their clothing is sort of uninspired Brit-boy, Topshop without the edge. www.izzue.com definitely doesn’t have the problem of lacking edge – in fact, they’ve got way too much of it for my taste. I love the stores and the personality they are fostering, but besides one casual blazer I saw three years ago, there is little in the store that I would ever actually wear, although I keep going back to try to prove myself wrong. I’m just not the jean short, vest, and army boot wearing type. Sorry.
We don’t get a lot of agnes b. in the States, but this is a store that I just love, through and through. From their store layouts and design to a lot of their clean, simple, classic clothing items, to the logo, I adore agnes b. I think it would be hard for me to justify spending over a hundred dollars on a simple white shirt or something similar, but I do dream of owning an agnes b. bag or briefcase. If I ever work again. However, even without buying, wandering around an agnes b. store is always fun – they’ve gone the way of Armani and offer luggage, candy and cakes, and even have their own florist. Talk about diversified!
That’s it for now! If I see anything else of note while mallin’ in the next few days, I’ll make sure to update ya’ll! In the meantime, I’m going to keep window shopping!
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